Friday, August 20, 2010


Hi everyone!!!!

I am gonna tell you all about my vacation! I went to the Grand Canyon and a lot of casinos. In the casinos, you can smoke everywhere! So I got annoyed by that. Although, there are a lot of cool shops. In one shop, everything was $10! That part was cool.

In the Grand Canyon, the view was beautiful! There were so many cliffs. Also, in the Grand Canyon, there was a native american place. They showed displays of teepees. They looked so realistic! We even got to go in. The houses were made out of pine leaves, tulee, and clay. My favorits kind of house was tulee type because it was so big and the top looked really nice. I even found a fish fossil! I am not sure if it was real though..... but it looked real.

At the resort I was staying in, I went swimming everyday! I had a blast!

For the road trip, we had to drive 18 hours in all (come and leave)! My sister and I would know it would be boring, so we brought stuff like cards.

That was my experience staying in the car for 18 hours, and how Vegas is.

Please comment.

Bye Guys!

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